Thursday, September 27, 2012

Triumph of the Cross

"Do not forget the works of the Lord!"
Nm 21:4-9
Phil 2:6-11
Jn 3:13-17

The Exaltation of the Cross. We celebrate the Triumph of the Cross. Sorrow and Glory : the two aspects of the cross ---- a sign of contradiction and the source of our salvation. At the same time it is the, most radical-ironic, the worst thing and the best thing that ever could have happened. Humanity rejected and put to death the very Savior sent by God to redeem us and bring us to communion with him. But in accepting that rejection and death, Jesus conquered death and won for us forgiveness and life. This is the glory , that has worked the greatest miracle of love out of the greatest tragedy! We raise up the cross so that we can look at it, so that we can clearly see what we have done by our sin, and what has been done to redeem us. We all have crosses in our lives ---- illness, problems at home or work, relationships, addictions, and weakness. We generally recoil at the thought of suffering and try to escape, often in unhealthy ways such as drinking, over-working, over-eating, or too much parties and TV. We are invited to seek and search deeper. Faith allows us to see the triumph of Christ in every cross we carry. 
Reflection from the Claretian : "The cross of Christ reverses every value ---- what we call failure is renamed success, and vice versa, what we call shame is renamed glory, and vice versa, what we call death is renamed the source of new life. It is the central icon or symbol of our Faith. Yet we use, it as an ornament! We hang it on a wall as a decoration, part of the interior decor of a room. But it is not part of anything : On contrary, it puts everything in question."♥

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