Monday, September 10, 2012


♥ To See is to Believe ♥
~ Luke 6: 36-42 ~

An eminent painter exhibited a painting representing a friar in full canonicals. Viewed at a distance, you think the friar is in a praying attitude. Hands clasped, eyes meek, the good man appears absorbed in devotion and adoration.
But take a nearer view, and he is really discovered to be squeezing a lemon into a punch bowl.

~ Anecdote ~ 

It is exactly what it is. What you see with your own eyes sometimes is not exactly what is happening , but, what you "think" is happening. Touch plays a far greater role than do the other senses ---- what has been touched is the true reality that leads to perception. On the other hand, believe half of what you see, and none on what you hear. But above all it's all about Trust, and Faith.♥

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