Monday, September 10, 2012

New Wine Skin

"The salvation of the just comes from the Lord."
1 Cor 4:1-5
Jn 8:12
Lk 5:33-39

The laws and rituals of the Old Testament had a very important purpose, which was to prepare God's people for his coming to them. Now that Jesus has come, he is ushering in a new stage in salvation history. The practices and ways of thinking which belonged to the old covenant are passing away, and he is bringing in a new covenant. This is an interior covenant of love, where God will put his own spirit and his own life into the hearts of his people. This new life is the "new wine" which must be poured into new "skins" ---- that is, new ways of thinking and acting, a new way of serving God. The Lord is calling us to be concerned first of all with the offering him true worship in the heart. We do that when we have the heart of love for him and for his people. Our words and actions will then come forth from our hearts and truly make known in the world the mysteries of God. If we are spending our time examining and passing judgement on the action of others, then we are living on the natural plane. We pray for the grace to put off our old ways of thinking and acting and put on the new life of Christ which he offers to us. Lord, make our hearts like new wine-skins, ready to receive the new life which you bring us!♥

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