Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Beautiful Wish

♥ Agony and its Beauty ♥

Agony is a teacher. Agony is a source of merit. Agony is a strength that gives strength. See the mystical phenomena of a Butterfly, ---- it can create more flutters in your heart than any other flying insect but you may not understand it, and yet it is a symbolic of mans own existence. Man is like a caterpillar destined to be a butterfly. Man lives in a cocoon. His cocoon is full of Ego, Goals and Misery. Man keeps on building his cocoon with false materials, He does not realize that one day everything will disappear. The caterpillar needs to die to become a butterfly. In death, a caterpillar explodes into millions of colors. In living in this moment an ugly caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly. Therefore : Live this moment with so much intensity that every death of a moment gives rise to beautiful next moment. Live this moment in such ecstasy that you have no alternative other than getting out of your cocoon. Live this moment with so much love that you have no other option but to explode into butterfly. Just be in Love with everything you see, ---- be in Love with nature, ---- be in love with existence, and ---- Be in Love in your deep acceptance. Love alone can give you wings, ---- to carry on. Love alone is enough to make you a Butterfly. Be in Love, and My wish ---- You become a Butterfly.♥

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