Saturday, September 29, 2012

Marvelous Endeavor

"The Lord has done marvel for us."
Ezra 1:1-16
Lk 8:16-18

Let your light shine! In a society that is engulfed in the darkness of poverty, no progress, despair, hopelessness : could it be because people are hiding in the security of their own private rooms trying to consume all the lights for themselves? How many people will go out of their way to offer their expertise in building a community? How many of those in medical profession are willing to brave the mountains and seas to extend their services to the poor? How many people in the government will brace the darkness, fight for what is right and stand for truth? How many young people are willing to volunteer themselves to share their time and talents in doing things that would be of help to the community? If only all people will go out on roof tops and shine brightly, our world will really have a bright future. ♥ 

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