Saturday, September 22, 2012

Forever Young

♥ Childlike Faith ♥
~ Luke 7:1-10 ~

"Adults tend to hold back on their joy for fear of being called immature. Children tend to accept and love people unconditionally. Adults tend to judge and reject others without getting to know them. Children tend to live and find happiness in the present moment. Adults tend to live in guilt about the past and worry about the future.

Don't be afraid to live as a child then. Don't be afraid to play with a dog, cuddle a cat, and swing on a swing. Don't be afraid to enjoy the moment, to love other people, and to find fun and joy everywhere. God gives us no greater happiness than living with the wisdom, love, and kindness of a child. God gives no greater key to the Kingdom of Heaven than living with the heart of a child." ~ Joe Mazzella ~

Have you ever thought of the life of a child? Why, the life of a child is perfect life of faith. The little child ---- which can that little child do? Why, that little child could not find its way to the street-end, and back again. It would be lost if you trusted it alone. That little child could not find the next meal. That little child could not furnish a shelter for its own head tonight. And yet has that little alarm about it? Not at all! How comes it that the child's life is the happy life it is? Because, instinctively and beautifully, it is a life of faith.♥

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