Saturday, September 22, 2012


"The Lord takes delight in his people."
1 Cor 6:1-11
Jn 15:16
Lk 6:12-19

The daylight breaking on Jesus on the mountain is symbolic of what happens when we pray. We don't act on our own ---- God reveals a way to us. This is especially true when we are facing the "darkness" of injustice ---- when someone has wronged us. In those moments we need prayer because we don't feel like forgiving. We don't feel like reconciling. We don't feel like working things out. We simply feel like ignoring the person or seeking revenge and strict justice. It is very hard for us to think in a Christian way when we have been hurt. But Jesus can show us a way to deal with injustice without sinning, to deal with injustice in a divine way. When we open our hearts to him in prayer, he fills us with divine wisdom. In our journey to union with him, if we submit our wills to his, Jesus will remove the obstacles which interfere with his graces. Live - Life - Love.♥

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