Monday, September 10, 2012

Quietness and Confidence

♥ Be Still ♥
Psalm 46:10

Do you find yourself so caught up in the rush of the 21st Century living that you can scarcely remember what day it Is? You jump out of bed, gulp down your coffee, hurry to work, then rush home and eat dinner in record time to make your evening appointment. Then it's off to bed so you can do the same things all over again the next day.
Be still ---- so you can hear His voice. Times of quietness are part of His natural laws. He has not promised to spare us from difficulty. We asked to be lifted about our cares, and He sends sorrows. We ask for light to see the path ahead, but clouds appear. We ask for peace and quiet that we may meditate, and everything around us swirls in confusion . . . . Sometimes He allows trials because He knows these things will drive us to Himself and teach us that when He gives peace, no one can make trouble.
When we are weak, He does not say be "strong" but be "STILL." . . . . "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength."♥

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