Thursday, September 06, 2012


One for You and One for Me ♥

During the Middle Ages, insects were destroying the crops, so the Catholic farmers prayed to the Virgin Mary for help. Soon the Ladybugs came, ate the plant-destroying pests and saved the crops! The farmers began calling the ladybugs "The Beetles of Our Lady", and they eventually became known as "Lady Beetles" The red wings represented the Virgin's cloak and the black spots represented her joys and sorrows. They didn't differentiate between males and females. This explains the origins of the name “ladybug.” Ladybugs are also known as “lady beetles,” or “ladybirds,” other references to the Virgin. Many other animals and plants are associated with the Virgin Mary, so she must be a busy lady!
Given their popularity, it's not surprising that there are many myths about ladybugs. In many parts of the world, the ladybug considered good luck. These beneficial garden insects eat harmful pests that can damage plants and produce.♥

"Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home . . . . your house is on fire, and your children will burn. Except little Nan, who sits in a pan, weaving gold laces as fast as she can!" ♥

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