Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Us Angels

♥ "All you angels , worship the Lord." ♥

The word of God is addressed to us. Jesus personally calls us, "Follow me!" When we hear this word, our first concern is not about what we must leave behind but about making sure we respond with a prompt "yes." To follow Him is our privilege and our joy. We do not want our "yes" to get choked off by thorns, the cares of eternal life. If we waste time asking how much this will cost, or when will be over, or if we begin to think we are called because we are worthy of it, we only negate the transforming power of the word in our hearts and put our vocation at risk. If we make our "yes" to God with firm determination each day, we will have the inner freedom to attend to the task of sorting out what must be left behind and what must be used for the sake of the kingdom of God.♥

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