Monday, January 07, 2013


"The Lord is my strength and my song, and is become my salvation. I will give You thanks, for You answered me ---- Giving thanks to Him, for He is good ---- His love endures forever."♥

♥ Transitions ♥

Transitions often a major transformation in life are never easy. Remember how it was when you were youngster and moved from one grade to another? That same feeling arises as an adult when you move from one job to another. As you ponder the transition from one year to another, there's a trace of nostalgia, a hint of excitement and an element of fear. Yet there comes a time when you have to close the door on one phase of your life and make passage to the next. For some of us, tomorrow is a great big question mark and even acknowledging it creates fear in our hearts. But reaching out and taking the strong hand of our Father and knowing He can walk with us day by day through the year, is one simple faith that tomorrow can be Beautiful.♥

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