Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Prince Pauper

♥ The Prince and Pauper ♥

Mark Twain's 'The prince and the Pauper' tells of two boys approximately the same age who were almost identical in appearance. One of the boy was the son of the king and the other was the son of a pauper. The two boys met and decided to exchange places. But underneath the story lies truth of vastly greater significance than the boy's exchange lives. In similar fashion, Jesus Christ came to earth, leaving His position at the right hand of the Father. He temporarily exchange His heavenly position as He came to earth and lived with the reality of sickness, misery, and despair. Christ was a prince who became a pauper. You were once a pauper and now a child of the King because of Christ's love for You! "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ live in me ...."♥

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