Friday, January 11, 2013

Prayer In New Millenium

Just what is a Prayer? Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreams of." Prayer, is merely opening your heart to God and expressing your self to Him. Prayer is intimate, meaningful talk between you and your Creator. Simply, it's a conversation between you and Him.
It's true, ours is a different world than Tennyson's.  Yet it's just as true that the need for discovering the power of prayer is as great, if not greater, than a century ago. You've probably listened to someone pray in a beautiful ministerial voice, one that filled the sanctuary with flowery eloquence, and you said, "I can't pray like that. I guess I'll just leave prayer up to the ones who get paid to do it." But prayer is not superlative eloquence, it is personal ---- even to the most silent inarticulate whispers of our hearts, are prayers He cares to listen to. I'm thankful than I can pray with a smile, that I can start my day with a Smile, that I can end my day with a Smile. All smiles to You !♥

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