Friday, January 11, 2013

Like An Eagle

♥ Soar Like an Eagle ♥

When eagles take to the air their wings stretch out up to seven feet across, their feathers spread out in a curtain the wind currents high above the ground. Eagles don't fly ---- they soar. Don't be content to live a sparrow's existence when you could Soar Like an Eagle !
Isaiah says that, "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength They will soar on wings like an eagles ---- they will run and not weary, they will walk and not faint." Walking. Running. Soaring like an eagle. When you make the decisions to let God's Spirit guide you, you will begin to gain spiritual altitude. If you are to rise above the gravitational pull of so much in life, ---- soaring as an eagle, you must place your hope and your life in the Lord.♥

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