Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Talk It Out

♥ Getting It Out of Your System ♥

"Let all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander be put away from you, along with every form of malice." (Ephesians 4:31) Negative emotions like fear, hatred, and anger are poison that can shorten life. Doctors contends that they encountered many situations when bitterness or hatred was what actually caused the patient's illness that eventually led to death. But how do we get the negative feelings out of our systems without allowing ourselves to explode in the process? When some are confronted with anger or dislike, they get up, walk out, and decide not to discuss it with the other person anymore, but the feelings are still there. There is another way, and that is to talk it out of your system by conversation to others ---- . Pray. When you pray, open your heart and let all the emotions flow. Are you angry? Then tell Him so in no uncertain terms. There is a logic to prayer that may baffle the scientists, BUT it works!♥

Need Some Help

♥ When You Need Help ♥

There is an adage that goes, "Laugh, and the world laughs with you ---- cry and you cry alone." When things are going well, there are plenty of friends to help you celebrate your success. But when things take a bad turn, you often discover who your real friends are. "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ." (Gal 6:2) Picture the image of the cross, for it was at the cross that Christ died to bring mankind together, when we had all turned and gone on our own ways. He bore our burdens there and, following His example, we are to bear each other's burdens. Also, in bearing each other's burdens, we learn to cast our own burdens on a Savior who loves us and gave Himself for us. "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7) Bearing each other's burdens helps us laugh with each other and helps us avoid crying alone.♥

Prince Pauper

♥ The Prince and Pauper ♥

Mark Twain's 'The prince and the Pauper' tells of two boys approximately the same age who were almost identical in appearance. One of the boy was the son of the king and the other was the son of a pauper. The two boys met and decided to exchange places. But underneath the story lies truth of vastly greater significance than the boy's exchange lives. In similar fashion, Jesus Christ came to earth, leaving His position at the right hand of the Father. He temporarily exchange His heavenly position as He came to earth and lived with the reality of sickness, misery, and despair. Christ was a prince who became a pauper. You were once a pauper and now a child of the King because of Christ's love for You! "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ live in me ...."♥

Graces' Answers

Grace ---- the Answer to Our Need ♥

"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." ~Hebrews 4:16 ~

Grace is God's generous response to the need of your life. It is His provision for all that you lack, the answer to the pain and loneliness of your life. It is the vehicle of God's love that touches your life at the greatest point of neediness. What is the need you face right now ---- food, clothing, healing, forgiveness, or companionship? He responds to our needs not because we deserve His help or favor. It is because of His generous nature, which allows Him to do what we find almost impossible to understand. ♥

Us Angels

♥ "All you angels , worship the Lord." ♥

The word of God is addressed to us. Jesus personally calls us, "Follow me!" When we hear this word, our first concern is not about what we must leave behind but about making sure we respond with a prompt "yes." To follow Him is our privilege and our joy. We do not want our "yes" to get choked off by thorns, the cares of eternal life. If we waste time asking how much this will cost, or when will be over, or if we begin to think we are called because we are worthy of it, we only negate the transforming power of the word in our hearts and put our vocation at risk. If we make our "yes" to God with firm determination each day, we will have the inner freedom to attend to the task of sorting out what must be left behind and what must be used for the sake of the kingdom of God.♥

Friday, January 11, 2013

Prayer In New Millenium

Just what is a Prayer? Alfred Lord Tennyson once wrote, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreams of." Prayer, is merely opening your heart to God and expressing your self to Him. Prayer is intimate, meaningful talk between you and your Creator. Simply, it's a conversation between you and Him.
It's true, ours is a different world than Tennyson's.  Yet it's just as true that the need for discovering the power of prayer is as great, if not greater, than a century ago. You've probably listened to someone pray in a beautiful ministerial voice, one that filled the sanctuary with flowery eloquence, and you said, "I can't pray like that. I guess I'll just leave prayer up to the ones who get paid to do it." But prayer is not superlative eloquence, it is personal ---- even to the most silent inarticulate whispers of our hearts, are prayers He cares to listen to. I'm thankful than I can pray with a smile, that I can start my day with a Smile, that I can end my day with a Smile. All smiles to You !♥

Like An Eagle

♥ Soar Like an Eagle ♥

When eagles take to the air their wings stretch out up to seven feet across, their feathers spread out in a curtain the wind currents high above the ground. Eagles don't fly ---- they soar. Don't be content to live a sparrow's existence when you could Soar Like an Eagle !
Isaiah says that, "those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength They will soar on wings like an eagles ---- they will run and not weary, they will walk and not faint." Walking. Running. Soaring like an eagle. When you make the decisions to let God's Spirit guide you, you will begin to gain spiritual altitude. If you are to rise above the gravitational pull of so much in life, ---- soaring as an eagle, you must place your hope and your life in the Lord.♥

Monday, January 07, 2013

Good morning - Big heart

♥ To Share His Love ♥
~ Genesis 1:1 ~

In the beginning, God ---- who is limitless in power, wisdom, and love ---- wanted one thing. He wanted someone with whom to share his love. So he set about creating the universe. Words flowed from his mouth, forming planets and stars, continents and oceans. Yet as detailed and amazing as they were, they were only the stage for his dearest and best creation, ---- You! He created everything needed for you to live and for him to express his love to you. And he created you in his image and likeness ---- with a Heart (big enough) that could accept his love and reciprocate it. He wants to share himself with you. Good morning, with drama, open your heart to Him.♥

Kiss A Smile

There are about a hundreds of languages in the Universe but a smile speaks =)♥

What said those two souls communicating through the language of the eyes, more perfect than that of the lips, the language given to the soul in order that sound may not mar the ecstasy of feeling? In such moments, when the thoughts of two happy beings penetrate into each other's souls through the eyes, the spoken word is halting, rude, and weak ---- it is as the harsh, slow roar of the thunder compared with the rapidity of the dazzling lightning flash, expressing feelings already recognized, ideas already understood, and if words are made use of it is only because the heart's desire, dominating all the being and flooding it with happiness, wills that the whole human organism with all its physical and psychical powers give expression to the song of joy that rolls through the soul. To the questioning glance of love, as it flashes out and then conceals itself, speech has no reply ---- the smile, the kiss, the sigh answer. ♥

~ Noli Me Tangere, Jose Rizal ~


"The Lord is my strength and my song, and is become my salvation. I will give You thanks, for You answered me ---- Giving thanks to Him, for He is good ---- His love endures forever."♥

♥ Transitions ♥

Transitions often a major transformation in life are never easy. Remember how it was when you were youngster and moved from one grade to another? That same feeling arises as an adult when you move from one job to another. As you ponder the transition from one year to another, there's a trace of nostalgia, a hint of excitement and an element of fear. Yet there comes a time when you have to close the door on one phase of your life and make passage to the next. For some of us, tomorrow is a great big question mark and even acknowledging it creates fear in our hearts. But reaching out and taking the strong hand of our Father and knowing He can walk with us day by day through the year, is one simple faith that tomorrow can be Beautiful.♥

To - Day

♥ Just for Today, Lord ♥
~ Matthew 6:11-12 ~

Just for today, Lord, help me live as though it were the last day of my life. Help me see the blue sky and the green of the grass, the beauty of Your world as You paint the sky a thousand colors and shades.
Just for today, Lord, help me put into practice what I believe ---- that You are there when I need You, and that You know me as I am, yet love me even when I mess up.
Just for today, Lord, give me the perspective of eternity, understanding that so much of what consumes my energy now will not count five minutes after I die.
Just for today, Lord, help me to get outside myself and my small world ---- my difficulties, my problems ---- and help me listen to others.
This sounds a tall order, Lord, but this what I need. It's how You lived day after day, giving us an example so that we can follow in Your footsteps. And one more thing, Lord please forgive me of my failures, short comings, and sin as I forgive those who sin against me. That's it, Lord, just for today.♥