Saturday, August 04, 2012

Truly Admirable

♥ Encouragement ♥

When you listen to the word of encouragement, your spirit perks up and your whole attitude takes on an uplifted stance. But when you allow words of discouragement to 
penetrate your heart, your attitude becomes pessimistic.
Much of life seems to be working against us, and that's not pessimism ---- it's a realistic observation. For every person who pats on the back, there are nine who clobber us. Therefore we have to cultivate the attitude of encouragement. The habit of encouragement has to be learned. It does not come naturally. To start with make a list of all the things you admire with . . . . 
Encouragement strengthens the heart and puts resolve in our actions. It can make the difference between success and failure, ---- sunshine and gloom.♥

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