Friday, August 03, 2012

Eternally Dressed

♥ Faith Frees ♥
~ Matthew 14:22-36 ~

It is cynicism and fear that freeze life . . . . it is 'faith' that thaws it out, ---- releases it, ---- sets it free. 
~ Harry Emerson Fosdick ~

"The Fabric of the Everlasting."  Wrap yourself in this beautiful promise today ---- God's love is always, constantly, and ceaselessly with you. His love adorns you with salvation, protection, guidance, and provision. It shrouds you from your cold, piercing fears. Nothing can reach you, except that which is allowed by covering grace. Though you may lay his love aside and get far away from him in your own heart, he remains close by. He weaves himself intimately into your life so that nothing can separate his eternal cords from your earthly cloth. Dress me in it today, O Lord, and my heart will joyfully wear your love forever.♥

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