Thursday, August 16, 2012

Inner Strength

STRENGTH. Only when someone who has known great joy can find God also in sorrow.

"But now I must cheerfully begin a new and strange song of praise that I have never known before, since it has now been revealed to me by suffering. It is this ---- I wish . . . . that all the pain and suffering that I ever knew, and all the painful grief of all hearts, the pain of all wounds, the groans of all the sick, the piteous sighs of all sad souls, the tears of all weeping eyes, the wrongs suffered by all oppressed persons . . . . all the hidden and open pain and sorrow, which I or any other downcast sufferer ever underwent . . . . that all these may become one song of eternal praise, heavenly Father ---- an everlasting glory to your Son, from eternity to eternity."♥

~ Blessed Suso, 14th Century Dominican ~

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