Saturday, August 04, 2012

A New Sand

SANDY . . . .
Have you ever felt the rush of sand, rush up on you
Feel it surround your body, pulling you in
How it covered you, buried you, how warm and caring 
It was as if it was made just for you
How the clouds moved over your head but yet
Never really covered the sun
You could always find it shinning really bright
The sand was cool to the touch but yet
Air was warm enough to keep you from getting cold
Have you ever been buried in the sand
How then all so perfect down and cover
Looking up, seeing clouds
Close your eye and see the beauty
Someone who you wonder how they have come to be
Someone who you think you could never be without
Do you wonder if they were put here just for you
Do they make you smile just by 'saying hello'
And when they're gone do you miss them
Could you tell them you love them or need them?
Make sure they know this
Because everything else . . . .
Like sand, waves washes them off
Clean and free of memories.♥

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