Friday, August 03, 2012

Security Plan

♥ He Has a Plan ♥
~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~

You may have heard this before, . . . . "Man's extremity is God's opportunity!" What you see as chaos, God views as an opportunity. You, my friend, are of greater value than the stars in heaven. Take, for example, planet Earth ---- this sphere spins on its axis at a speed of 1,000 miles per hour and hurtles through space at 27,000 miles per hour. If our planet were closer to the Sun, we would not be able to stand the heat, if it were further away, we would not be able to stand the cold either.
How could He possibly have plan for my life? Are you discouraged? Then listen to the still voice that says, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."♥

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