Thursday, August 02, 2012

Action over Feeling

Our actions against how we feel. One of the biggest lies people will ever tell you is that you have "made" them feel angry ---- or sad, or hopeless, or some other feeling(s).  We are not, we can not ---- be responsible for the feelings of others.  There is no way we can "make" someone else feel something toward us, may it be love or hate ---- it is their choice how they choose to feel in response to us, to something we've said or done, and it is their choice how they choose to deal with those feeling.  Therefore, none of us can "make" other people mad.  If someone responds that way, it is their call ---- the same goes for all the other emotions. Be honest with yourself, though, and do acknowledge on any part you may have had, examine your intentions and motives to make sure you were acting with, ---- loving intentions and to make amends you feel are called for due to any less-than-loving intentions on your part.<3

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