Thursday, August 16, 2012

You and I

♥ Less than Perfect ♥

It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become towards the defects of others. 
~ Fenelon ~

Happiness does not consists in the fact that every thing is perfect ---- it consists mainly in the fact that one transcends beyond the imperfections.♥


♥ Special Moment ♥

Come on. Be natural, be childlike. Why not? ---- why can't an adult be like a child? These days, we glorify and romanticize childhood in a way that suggests a lack of meaning and direction in adult life rather than any wise appreciation of childhood. The child, is one who learns. The child, is one who considers himself or herself the least of all. Perhaps children have this over adults that they do not have anything much to unlearn or anything much to undo.♥

All the World A Stage

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players ----
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,
With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances ----
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slippered pantaloon,
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side ----
His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide
For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends this strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.♥

~ William Shakespeare ~

Moments For Recollection

If we have the blessed gift of forgetfulness, let us not criticize ourselves for it. A naturally forgetful person cannot bear grudge for long, as any kings, scholars and seers . . . . But can we simply choose to forget? There is a difference between simple recollection and a willful harboring of resentment. But we can choose not to nurse and feed our resentments ---- then they may eventually die of malnutrition. What is real is the realization that what we feel and think right now ---- this moment, speaks for our next action, a moment worth of recollection.♥

Everything Is Love

When I listen to love, I am listening to my true nature. 
When I express love, I am expressing my true nature. 
All of us love. 
All of us do it more and more perfectly. 
The past has brought us both ashes and diamonds. 
In the present we find the flowers of what we've planted and the seeds of what we are becoming. 
I plant the seeds of love in my heart. 
I plant the seeds of love in the hearts of others.
The growth of one blesses all. 
I am committed to grow in love. 
All that I touch, I leave in love. 
I move through this world consciously and creatively.
Love is the substance of all life. 
Everything is connected in love, absolutely ---- 

~ Julia Cameron ~

Deep Grace

♥ Grace Within Our Heart ♥

Grace. Where?, . . . . the only place I know, it is positioned directly at the center of one's heart. There is wise grace that takes account of every circumstances ---- time, place, and people ---- but which leads Always to the Love with All one's mind, will, and heart. Love light the world. When we'll put fear aside?, Why can't we throw away false pride? Every heart will grow. When love lights up the world. There will be no need to walk in the dark ---- we don't have to stand so far apart. Every heart will know when love lights up the world.♥

Inner Strength

STRENGTH. Only when someone who has known great joy can find God also in sorrow.

"But now I must cheerfully begin a new and strange song of praise that I have never known before, since it has now been revealed to me by suffering. It is this ---- I wish . . . . that all the pain and suffering that I ever knew, and all the painful grief of all hearts, the pain of all wounds, the groans of all the sick, the piteous sighs of all sad souls, the tears of all weeping eyes, the wrongs suffered by all oppressed persons . . . . all the hidden and open pain and sorrow, which I or any other downcast sufferer ever underwent . . . . that all these may become one song of eternal praise, heavenly Father ---- an everlasting glory to your Son, from eternity to eternity."♥

~ Blessed Suso, 14th Century Dominican ~

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


♥ Giving One's Life ♥
~ John 12:24-26 ~

Your life is without a foundation, if in any matter, you choose on your own behalf. 
~ Dag Hammarskjold ~

You give but a little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
~ Kahlil Gibran ~

Giving all without expecting anything in return.♥

Inspire Me

Take it or Leave it. But, here's something to consider to . . . . Just think it over ---- it's all up to you . . . . 

"It's not enough to have a dream,
Unless you're willing to pursue it.
It's not enough to know what's right,
Unless you're strong enough to do it.
It's not enough to learn the truth,
Unless you also learn to live it.
It's not enough to reach for love,
Unless you care enough to give it."

Remember this, "You who are resolved to find a way for yourself will always find opportunities enough ---- but once you don't find them, You will make them."♥

~ Samuel Smiles, Paraphrased ~

New Door

My Cherry Make the Most of Your Life . . . .

With each sunrise we have a new Opportunity ---- It can be just another day when we can walk, laugh, dream and just go on with life the way it is, Or a new day can be turned, into achievements, progress and dreams come true, What we make of time lies in our own hands, And the extent to which we believe in our goals, Be confident and just be firm to make a Success Story of each and every day, 
That can Add value and meaning to every moment ---- a moment to cherish.♥

Half Way

In our midst, ---- there is a fundamental and quite basic need : it is to develop a conscience that is more enlightened, ---- more upright, ---- more penetrating, and finely tuned.♥

At Center Stage

♥ Every One Has His Faults ♥
~ Matthew 18:15-20 ~

We may, if we choose, make the worst of one another. Every one has his weak points ---- every one has his faults ----we may make the worst of these ---- we may fix our attention constantly upon these. But we may also make the best of one another. We may forgive, even as we hope to be forgiven. ~ A.P. Stanley ~

We have all made mistakes. That seems to be how we learn. 'Repeating the same mistakes over and over is what is injurious to our own purpose.' However we are free to do that as well. What we should ask ourselves is : "What is the cause of pain and suffering and how can we uproot it at a deep level?" ---- Some say that it is only through excess, that one can know what is enough.♥


♥ Faith and God's Faithfulness ♥

"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."

It is very easy to take God's faithfulness for granted. His faithfulness to us should inspire our devotion to Him. Is our faithfulness to Him of the same quality? Take a look at children as they're being tuck into bed. Take a lingering look at your home. . . .♥

~ Hebrews 11:3 ~

Tuesday, August 07, 2012


♥ Transfiguration ♥
~ Luke 9:28-36 ~

In the shining cloud the Spirit is seen ---- from it the voice of the Father is heard : "This is my Son, my beloved, in whom is all my delight. Listen to him." (Matthew 17:5)

We gain nothing by being with such as ourselves ---- we encourage each other in mediocrity. I am always longing to be with men more excellent than myself. (Charles Lamb)

Lord, in your light may we see the Light.♥

A Joy to Share

We all are destined to do something great . . . . If you feel alone and abandoned, hug yourself. You are your greatest shoulder. For people to care about you, you must first care about yourself. When the world feels too much to handle, run as far as you want, as long as you can find your way back.♥

Are Little

A Little Smile will make a Big Difference . . . . 

If one could only learn to appreciate the little things. . . . 
A song that takes you away, for there are those who cannot hear.
The beauty of a sunset, for there are those who cannot see.
The warmth and safety of your home, for there are those who are homeless.
Time spent with good friends for there are those who are lonely.
A walk along the beach for there are those who cannot walk.
The little things are what life is all about,
Search your soul and learn to appreciate.♥

~ Shadi Souferian ~

A Story of Love

♥ My Book Of Love ♥

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love she brings to me
Where do I start

With her first hello
She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine
There'd never be another love, another time
She came into my life and made the living fine
She fills my heart

She fills my heart with very special things
With angels songs , with wild imaginings
She fills my soul with so much love
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely
With her around, who could be lonely
I reach for her hand-its always there

How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know Ill need her till the stars all burn away
And shell be there

How long does it last
Can love be measured by the hours in a day
I have no answers now but this much I can say
I know Ill need her till the stars all burn away
And shell be there . . . . ♥

~ Andy Williams, Love Story ~

Fleeting Moment

Imagine what it must be like to know the meaning of life! . . . . We all say we do, but we do not really. When you have everything except meaning, you have nothing to live or die for ---- and that, far from being a perfect world., is an unendurable one. See how a person's face brighten when he-she sees the meaning of something, even if is only the meaning of a joke, or a puzzle. Bright and Shine! We're not supposed to waste our lives, but live everyday of our lives on purpose. Find a reason for living, yesterday is not going to happen, it has to happen right now, we can't put it off till tomorrow, because tomorrow is yet to come.♥

Yes You Can

♥ Successful and Significant ♥
~ Ecclesiastes 12:13 ~

Three of the most important questions that will ever confront us are, . . . . Where do we want to go with our lives?, How are we going to get there? and, Once we have arrived, what are we going to do? . . . . The first question deals with our goals, the second with our ethics, and the third, our significance as a person.
Some people are content simply to survive in life. They do as little s possible. They exert minimal input, they are satisfied with minimal reward.
There are some who have clearly defined goals and reach them. But having reached their goals, many of these dynamic, successful people find life still has no purpose or meaning to them.
Others aspires for significance. Not necessarily wealthy or famous, they touch the lives of others in such a way that our world becomes a better place. They are the ones who see a need and fill it.
No one is ever really happier than when he or she rises to the level of significant living. That's how we are designed.♥


A young soldier and his commanding officer got on a train together. The only available seats were across from an attractive young woman who was traveling with her grandmother. As they engaged in pleasant conversation, the soldier and the young woman kept eyeing one another ---- the attraction was obviously mutual. Suddenly the train went into a tunnel and the car became pitch black. Immediately two sounds were heard: the "smack" of a kiss, and the "whack" of a slap across the face. The grandmother thought "I can't believe he kissed my granddaughter, but I'm glad she gave him the slap he deserved." The commanding officer thought, "I don't blame the boy for kissing the girl, but it's a shame that she missed his face and hit me instead." The young girl thought, "I'm glad he kissed me, but I wish my grandmother hadn't slapped him for doing it." And as the train broke into the sunlight, the soldier could not wipe the smile of his face. He had just seized the opportunity to kiss a pretty girl and slap his commanding officer and had gotten away with both!

"Strike while the iron is hot! . . . . 'carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero' ---- pluck/Seize the day, put no trust in the future."

Sunday, August 05, 2012

Grace Within Our Souls

* Peter Declares That Jesus Is the Messiah * - When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
* Jesus Predicts His Death * - From that time on Jes
us began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” ( Matthew 16:13-23)

When I want to move my hand, it moves. I don't have to stop and think, 'How shall I move it?' It happens. But if I find myself to be selfish kind of person and want to be unselfish, it doesn't happen. Therefore, something has got to take hold of us from outside. ~ William Temple ~

Grace is God Himself, his loving energy at work within his Church and within our Souls.♥ ~ Evelyn Underhill ~

Ever Thankful for Everything

♥ Shortcut to Happiness ♥
~ Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. ~ Colossians 3:15

Almost 300 years ago the English Writer William Law wrote about a shortcut to happiness. "If anyone would tell you the shortest, surest way to happiness and all perfection, he must tell you to make it a rule to yourself to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you. For it is certain that whatever seeming calamity happen to you, if you thank and praise God for it you will turn it into a blessing."

Learning to praise and thank God for everything is an expression of your faith. Your act of thanking God for everything that happens proves that you believe God is alive and that it is He, not chance or fate, that really is in control of your life.
Praising God for what happens does no necessarily mean that you understand why everything happens. When your heart cries out "Why?" God often says, "Just trust Me."
William Law, like untold thousands before him, discovered that praising God for His workmanship in life will bring joy and happiness, thus ---- peace. Start right now by thanking Him for His goodness to you.♥

Saturday, August 04, 2012

A New Sand

SANDY . . . .
Have you ever felt the rush of sand, rush up on you
Feel it surround your body, pulling you in
How it covered you, buried you, how warm and caring 
It was as if it was made just for you
How the clouds moved over your head but yet
Never really covered the sun
You could always find it shinning really bright
The sand was cool to the touch but yet
Air was warm enough to keep you from getting cold
Have you ever been buried in the sand
How then all so perfect down and cover
Looking up, seeing clouds
Close your eye and see the beauty
Someone who you wonder how they have come to be
Someone who you think you could never be without
Do you wonder if they were put here just for you
Do they make you smile just by 'saying hello'
And when they're gone do you miss them
Could you tell them you love them or need them?
Make sure they know this
Because everything else . . . .
Like sand, waves washes them off
Clean and free of memories.♥

Love Within

"Create a clean heart in me, O God."

Jer 31:31-34
Heb 5:7-9
Jn 12:26
Jn 12:20-33

We are drawing near to the most central mystery of our salvation ---- the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To celebrate Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. Today the Lord does not speak in detail about the suffering he is about to undergo, but he does speak about the whole paschal mystery, using the image of a grain of wheat. He introduces this mysterious process in response to the request of some Greeks who are searching to deepen their spiritual life. When they ask Philip if they can see Jesus, they are not simply being curious. They want to meet him, know him, and follow him. They are expressing a longing that is deep in the heart of each of us ---- we all want to see the face of God and know him. We want to know the way to the fullness of life.
Jesus has come to show us the way. He himself is the way. But salvation is not cheap ---- the way is costly. This clear from the analogy of the grain of wheat. At first Jesus is talking about himself ---- he is the "grain of wheat" who will fall to the ground, die and bear much fruit. Then he reveals that the way of dying for new life applies not only to himself, but to every Christian. This is the way of every follower of Jesus Christ. Summing up his teaching, Jesus continues with the paradoxical statement : "The man who loves his life loses it, while the man who hates his life in this world preserves it to life eternal." The idea of "hating our life" may sound strange and unnatural, but Jesus here is not talking about what he dislike about life. He is pointing out the central decision of a disciple : to choose life in Christ above everything else. The "much fruit" that this decision produces is eternal life!
Planting is an act of faith and hope. When we plant, it takes time for the seed to germinate and grow. When we choose to follow Jesus, we do not go from seed to fruit right away. It happens in God's time. Jesus often speaks of his "hour." He means the time appointed for the fulfillment of God's plan. The Father is the one in charge. If we want to be followers of the Lord, we have to accept his timing. This demands patience from us. With God, there is a time for rejoicing ---- a time for Lent and a time for Easter. When we rush his plan and take things into our own hands, we ruin it.
In our nature we would like to eliminate the dying part altogether. We recoil from sacrifice. There is a certain modern mindset that proposes that we can go through life without thinking about unpleasant things, and invites us to distract ourselves from them in myriad ways. There are some Christians who seem to think the same ---- they preach a "prosperity gospel," telling us that we can enjoy life on earth and that we do not have to suffer. However, the gospel of Jesus Christ tells us that to follow him means not simply rising but both dying and rising it. If we do not die to our selfish ways, we will not grow. This is fundamental to Christian life. We cannot avoid the paschal mystery, and there is no shortcut.
We can gain deeper appreciation for the way of the paschal mystery in light of the reading and the promise of a new covenant. When a law is seen as something imposed from outside, even if it is a law of love, we experience it as a burden ---- we want to avoid it. But the promise of the Lord is that the new covenant will not be like that. It is no longer a law etched in stone or written in sand or on parchment. It is placed within us, written in our hearts. We choose the way of the paschal mystery, not simply because we have to, or because we have some peculiar love of dying. The Lord has given us a new heart. Now we are moved by love to join him in the authentic way of love ---- the way of the cross and resurrection.♥

Do you accept that you must die to rise? What are the fears which prevent you from believing in Christ's victory over death? As you ponder both God's word and your life, what do you need to "die to" in your life? Under what circumstances you are tempted to say, . . . . "This is too much," and walk away?♥
O Mary, My Queen of Hearts, My beautiful way to her loving Son, guide us through our fears of self denial.♥


As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. . . . we have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger, attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion and a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness. Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosi
ty or registering wrongs. Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct yourself. Otherwise, go on about your business. We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us ---- how we can take it, what we do with it ---- and that is what really counts in the end. We plant seeds that will flower as results in our lives, so best to remove the weeds of anger, avarice, envy and doubt . . . .
When you make people angry, they act in accordance with their baser instincts, often violently and irrationally. When you inspire people, they act in accordance with their higher instincts, sensibly and rationally. Bear in mind, anger is transient, whereas inspiration sometimes has a life-long effect. Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge now exists to make things better. Our identity is very closely associated with our thoughts and feelings. Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment based on what you are feeling and thinking. That is what's real. It won't hurt you to love the heart hurt you, and never hurt the heart that loves you.♥

Discovering Dancing

Dancing in the moonlight! . . . . I hope you dance . . . . To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak, but, still you can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart, for dancing with the feet is one thing, but dancing with the heart is another.♥

On with the dance! let joy be unconfined ----
No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet
To chase the glowing hours with flying feet.♥
~ George Gordon, Lord Byron ~

The truest expression of a people is in its dance and its music. To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. Dance is delicate balance between perfection and beauty. The dance is a poem of which movement is a word. Movement never lies. It is a barometer telling the state of the souls' weather to all who can read it. Dancing can reveal all the mystery that music conceals, moving to the music without stepping on anyone's toes, pretty much the same as life. Music begins to atrophy when it departs too far from the dance. Socrates learned to dance when he was seventy because he felt that an essential part of himself had been neglected. Dancing is discovery . . . . discovery . . . . discovery!♥

Truly Admirable

♥ Encouragement ♥

When you listen to the word of encouragement, your spirit perks up and your whole attitude takes on an uplifted stance. But when you allow words of discouragement to 
penetrate your heart, your attitude becomes pessimistic.
Much of life seems to be working against us, and that's not pessimism ---- it's a realistic observation. For every person who pats on the back, there are nine who clobber us. Therefore we have to cultivate the attitude of encouragement. The habit of encouragement has to be learned. It does not come naturally. To start with make a list of all the things you admire with . . . . 
Encouragement strengthens the heart and puts resolve in our actions. It can make the difference between success and failure, ---- sunshine and gloom.♥

Free Will

♥ The Light of Faith ♥
~ Matthew 15:21-28 ~

Faith is illuminative, not operative, it does not force obedience, though it increases responsibility, it brightens guilt, it does not prevent sin, the will is the source of action.

Dear Jesus,
help me to spread your fragrance wherever I go.
Flood my soul with your spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly
that my life may only be a radiance of yours.
Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with
may feel your presence in my soul.

Let them look up and see no longer me, but only Jesus!
Stay with me and then I will begin to shine as you shine,
so to shine as to be a light to others.

The light, O Jesus, will be all from you ---- none of it will be mine.
It will be you, shining on others through me.
Let me thus praise you in the way which you love best,
by shining on those around me.
Let me preach you without preaching, not by words but by example,
by the catching force, the sympathetic influence of what I do,
the evident fullness of the love my heart bears for you. Amen. ♥

~ Cardinal Newman ~
(Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman)

Friday, August 03, 2012


As Helen Keller said, "Character can not be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved."

Get on with the battle when you are hit, rock-like, because it is in these moments, what your true individuality is brought to light. It is the only thing you'll ever have in your lifetime. Disregard what others thought about you, they are not your reality. Standstill amidst the storm, no matter what ---- fight!♥

In My Eyes

Courage gives you the Time to be Patient. Life's trials are not supposed to immobilize you. Rather, they're given to aid you uncover something that is already there, ---- something that has existed all along who . . . . you are ---- the Beautiful You.♥

Security Plan

♥ He Has a Plan ♥
~ Jeremiah 29:11 ~

You may have heard this before, . . . . "Man's extremity is God's opportunity!" What you see as chaos, God views as an opportunity. You, my friend, are of greater value than the stars in heaven. Take, for example, planet Earth ---- this sphere spins on its axis at a speed of 1,000 miles per hour and hurtles through space at 27,000 miles per hour. If our planet were closer to the Sun, we would not be able to stand the heat, if it were further away, we would not be able to stand the cold either.
How could He possibly have plan for my life? Are you discouraged? Then listen to the still voice that says, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."♥

Eternally Dressed

♥ Faith Frees ♥
~ Matthew 14:22-36 ~

It is cynicism and fear that freeze life . . . . it is 'faith' that thaws it out, ---- releases it, ---- sets it free. 
~ Harry Emerson Fosdick ~

"The Fabric of the Everlasting."  Wrap yourself in this beautiful promise today ---- God's love is always, constantly, and ceaselessly with you. His love adorns you with salvation, protection, guidance, and provision. It shrouds you from your cold, piercing fears. Nothing can reach you, except that which is allowed by covering grace. Though you may lay his love aside and get far away from him in your own heart, he remains close by. He weaves himself intimately into your life so that nothing can separate his eternal cords from your earthly cloth. Dress me in it today, O Lord, and my heart will joyfully wear your love forever.♥

Thursday, August 02, 2012

The Greatest

In life you don't get answers at once. First you must absorb and live with one simple truth, faith. Then later you must find another truth, hope ---- one that may seem to conflict with and negate all you previously learned. Then, from that confusion, emerges a higher truth, love ---- the inner light behind all you had learned before. ---- Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a stranger, Only to someone who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife. Then weave them into a blanket To protect you.♥

Believing In Me

We all are destined to do something great . . . . If you feel alone and abandoned, hug yourself. You are your greatest shoulder. For people to care about you, you must first care about yourself. When the world feels too much to handle, run as far as you want, as long as you can find your way back.♥

Lovely Reminder

Guard your heart. 
I know how easily you get excited at the sight of a new conquest. 
I can hear your heart pounding whenever the object of your affection is near. 
There is nothing wrong with what you feel ---- own it! 
But remember to just feel. 
Do not put him on a pedestal, do not expect for your emotion to be reciprocated. 
If he feels for you, wait for him to say it.
Do not be too eager and screw things up.
If you feel the need to share it with someone, think seven . . . . nth times before you do, 

AND pick someone who will listen and not judge.♥

Midnight Rambler

A hard heart is able to prevent anything and everything from entering the mind ; it is like a deadlock. It says that black is white and white is black (fashion wise sexy), and so it cuts you off from the truth, what is left? Pure blind will alone. It is like switching off the head lights of your car and then driving fast in pitch darkness at midnight . . . . Dangerous? Yes, very. There is nothing so dangerous as to close your eyes to the truth. Even if the truth is sometimes terrible, it is infinitely better to look at it than close your eyes. You can learn something while your eyes (and your mind) are still open but with closed eyes, you hurl yourself to destruction, bringing others with you.♥