Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Charting Your Courage

♥ Courage ♥
~ 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 ~

When it comes to courage you cannot chart it. When it is displayed, a person is seen as a hero, when it is missing, a person is called a coward. Men and women today must find courage to speak their convictions, to stand for what is right and to abide by godly principles. Individuals who are courageous often pay a price for their courage. But real courage does not consider the cost ---- it only considers the rightness of the action that must be taken.♥

Journey's Uncertainties

Any journey can wear us out. We usually start with the enthusiasm that naturally rises at the time of new beginnings, but after some time, we find ourselves running of energy. We face not only the external obstacles to our progress, but also our own human limitations, including problems that never occurred to us in the beginning ---- disappointment, boredom, bitterness, and conflicts with fellow travelers. We may even begin to wonder why we are on the journey in the first place, and whether we should bother to continue. Such experiences are part of the journey of the "Advent" season, and of the whole spiritual life as well. Advent give us precious words of encouragement, reminding us of the true source of our strength for the journey of life.♥

Second Best

♥ The Least is the Greatest ♥
~ Matthew 11:2-11 ~

Leonard Bernstein, a celebrated orchestra conductor once asked, what was the hardest instrument to play. He replied without hesitation : "Second fiddle. I can always get plenty of first violinist, but to find one who plays second violin with as much enthusiasm, or second French horn or second flute, now that's a problem. And yet if no one plays second, we have no harmony."♥

Humble and Obedience

♥ Humble and Obedience ♥
~ Matthew 21:28-32 ~

While Michaelangelo was finishing the tomb of Julius II, he directed a marble hewer in hewing a figure, saying to him : "Cut away, this today," "Level that," ""Polish here." When it was finished, the man gazed at it marveling ---- and Michaelangelo said : "What do you think of it?" "I think it's fine," "and I am much obliged to you." "Why so?" asked Michaelangelo. "Because by your means I have discovered a talent that I did know I possessed." In reply to the remark that Sparta's safety lay in her kings knowing how to rule, King Theopompous (770-724 B.C.) stated, "Nay, rather in their citizens knowing how to obey."♥

~ Edward Latham ~


Advent is a season for learning how to desire in a way that leads to deeper life. The Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore gave a beautiful expression to this in Gitanjali :

"In one salutation to thee, my God, let all my senses spread out and touch his world at thy feet . . . . "

"Let all my songs gather together their diverse strains into a single current and flow to a sea of silence in one salutation of thee."

"Like a flock of homesick cranes flying night and day back to their mountain nests, let all my life takes its voyage to its eternal home in one salutation to thee."♥


We tend to think of Advent as a limited period of preparation ---- it is already more than half over. Then we move on to Christmas, whether we are ready or not. But God does not limit his efforts to prepare us. His patience is boundless. He wants us to share his own life and joy, overflowing like a river, or like the waves of the sea. He continually points out to us what is for our own good ---- "I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is good for you ---- I lead you in the way that you must go." He is still teaching us and leading us. His commandments are still our sure guidelines to a joyful and fruitful life. However, we have a tendency to resist being told what to do, even we know it is for our own good. This is one characteristic of immaturity. We see this tendency in young children, who can sometimes stubbornly refuse to obey, regardless of the consequences. Even when the parents change their tactics, and offer rewards for good behavior rather than punishment for bad, sometimes children simply get caught in the pleasure of exercising their own will ---- they grow enamored with saying,"No!" Jesus has an entirely realistic understanding of children, with all their beautiful qualities, and all their self-centered tendencies. The Lord is simply revealing something that parents often realize : that when we observe our children, we have an opportunity to see a simplified version of how we ourselves behave, both good and bad. He is giving us a way to examine ourselves, so that we will take steps to grow out of our 'childish' ways and grow into the genuine 'childlike' spirit of the saints. One of the tactics of children is name-calling. It is a way to reject and belittle a person we dislike. We adults do it too, but more subtly. The same tactic is common today. For example, those who reject the Church's moral authority or the primacy of the Holy Father might say, "What can a bunch of old bachelors teach me about se.?" or "Why should I follow some old guy in Rome?" Childish remarks like these show that the speakers are no different from the children of Capernaum taunting each other in the market place. By rejecting their teachers, they ended up rejecting the wisdom being taught them. Childish complaining and quarreling are not fruitful ways to prepare for the coming of the Lord ! The wise man is the one "whose delight is the law of the Lord and who ponders his law day and night."♥

R.H. Bill on its Third Reading.

Just Be Kind

Jesus predicted his suffering, to prepare his disciples for the shock. But otherwise he never talked or complained about it. When you talk about your suffering you are creating a distance between it and you ---- you are not "suffering" your suffering ("to suffer" originally meant "to allow"). It cannot work its chemistry in you if you do not let it come near ---- in fact, nearer than near. You have to become one with it. When you are one with it, there is no distance and therefore no talk. With so many gods, so many creeds, so many paths, that wind and wind, what the world's need, is just the art of being, kind ---- is all the sad world needs.♥

Sandy Hook shooting was beyond definition, whatever - whoever - whenever - wherever - however, one thing is sure though, it leaves a permanent void in the hearts of those left behind ---- mine and . . . . ♥

Pressure and Beauty

In life we see pressure and beauty, it's out there ---- everywhere ---- it lies in every little thing within us. Around the great issues of life there is quietness. Silence characterizes the highest in art, and the deepest in nature. The surest spiritual search is made in silence. Moses learned in Midian, and Paul in Arabia what would have eluded them in the busy haunts men. Silence reaches beyond words. The highest point in drama is silence. The most valid emotions do not cry aloud. The most effective reproof is not a tongue lashing. The most poignant grief is not expressed in loud shrieking. The sincerest sympathy is not noisy. The best preparation for an emergency is quietness. The best proof of greatness is silence. The great engine is almost noiseless, but the cheap model is a "rattletrap." The best proof of confidence is silence. The man who is confident of his position does not strive nor cry aloud, nor try to explain everything. "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."♥

Thank You

♥ Give Thanks ♥
~ Romans 1:21 ~

The note to the dentist, written in a child's hand, read, "Dear Dr., Thank you very much for the retainer. My dad told me how thankful I should be and I am. I did not really want a retainer, but I know it will help me and make my teeth grow straight. My dad told me to take very good care of it. This is the biggest gift I have ever got, and it probably will be the biggest gift I ever do get. Love, ----" (love, love, love). Often we are grateful but don't take time to express our gratitude. Perhaps we just assume that someone knows we appreciate what he or she did, so we don't make the effort to write a note or make a phone call or say thanks in person. To whom do you owe gratitude ---- ? No one is self made. You are where you are now because someone, somewhere, helped you along the way. "In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."♥

Open Up Your Hearts

♥ Rejoice in the Lord always ! I say it again : Rejoice ! ♥
~ Philippians 4:4 ~

The Lord longs to dwell among us so he can renew our hearts with his love. Let us open our hearts and rejoice. The liturgy of Advent, filled with constant allusions to the joyful expectation of the Messiah, helps us to understand the fullness of the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, we must understand that our whole life should be an "advent," in vigilant expectation of Christ's final coming. To prepare our hearts to welcome the Lord who, as we say in the Creed, will come one day to judge the living and the dead, we must learn to recognize his presence in the events of daily life. Advent is then a period of intense training that directs us decisively to the One who has already come, who will come and who continuously comes. All my best wishes for the coming celebration of Christmas.♥

Merry Christmas !

Christmas For All 'Seasons'

It is beautiful to meet old people whose spirit has not been soured by life. There is such emphasis on childhood at Christmas that we need to balance by looking out for the old : Old age is honorable ! Mia♥ 

A Viral Advent


Be on the alert for symptoms of inner Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to this virus and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world.

Signs and Symptoms of The Advent Virus :

* A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences.
* An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
* A loss of interest in judging other people.
* A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
* A loss of interest in conflict.
* A loss of the ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom =). )
* Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
* Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
* Frequent attacks of smiling.
* An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
* An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.
* Please send this warning out to all your friends. This virus can and has affected many systems. Some systems have been completely cleaned out because of it.♥

~ Author Unknown To Me , Merry Christmas ! ~

December's Weather

As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.

~ Donald E. Westlake ~

We cannot know the grief 
That men may borrow ----
We cannot see the souls
Storm - swept by sorrow ----
But love can shine upon the way
Today, tomorrow----
Let us be kind.
Upon the wheel of pain so many weary lives are broken,
So may our love with tender words be spoken.
Let us be kind.♥

Memory Awakens Hope

Memory Awakens Hope

"Advent is concerned with that very connection between memory and hope which is so necessary to man. Advent’s intention is to awaken the most profound and basic emotional memory within us, namely, the memory of the God who became a child. This is a healing memory; it brings hope. The purpose of the Church’s year is continually to rehearse her great history of memories, to awaken the heart’s memory so that it can discern the star of hope . . . .

It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open doors of hope."♥

~ Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI ~

It's A Wonderful Life

It's A Wonderful Life - Merry Christmas !

"Life is a constant Advent season : we are continually waiting to become, to discover, to complete, to fulfill. Hope, struggle, fear, expectation and fulfillment are all part of our Advent experience.

"The world is not as just, not as loving, not as whole as we know it can and should be. But the coming of Christ and his presence among us ---- as one of us ---- give us reason to live in hope : that light will shatter the darkness, that we can be liberated from our fears and prejudices, that we are never alone or abandoned.

"May this Advent season be a time for bringing hope, transformation and fulfillment into the Advent of our lives."♥


"Rejoice full of grace, the Lord is with you." "I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me as you have said."

Someone said it was the most beautiful told story in all literature. Perhaps for that reason, it is also one of the most often represented in Christian art, notably by Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli and Grunewald. In fact, there is a legend that Luke himself was a painter. The scene itself is the perfect image of listening to the Word of God. Mary listens with her whole being. She is an image of the Church. This is how the Church is to listen for God's word.♥

Christmas Thoughts and Prayers

Christmas Thoughts and Prayers . . . .

It’s sharing your gifts, not purchasing gifts ----
It’s not wrapping presents, its being present
and wrapping your arms around the ones you love ----
It’s not getting Christmas cards out on time,
It’s sending any card, anytime, at the right time ----
It’s not having the biggest and best Christmas light display,
It’s displaying the Christ light that comes from your heart ----
It’s not Santa coming down the chimney,
It’s Jesus coming down from heaven,
and giving us the gift of eternal life.
May the forgiving spirit of Him to whom we dedicate this season prevail again on earth.
May hunger disappear and terrorists cease their senseless acts.
May people live in freedom, worshiping as they see fit, loving others.
May the sanctity of the home be ever preserved.
May peace, everlasting peace, reign supreme.♥


Christmas Is . . . .

*a gift of love wrapped in human flesh and tied securely with the strong promises of God.
* angelic music in the form of a carol and oratorio with a celestial descant.
*"glory to God," "good will to man," and "joy to the world."
* a man on duty tending sheep, or machine, who senses the upward call and stops to worship.
*a tall green tree which serves as festive altar for any household which discovers the true meaning behind it all.
* a ringing bell calling a distraught humanity to gladness and hope.
*a glowing hearth gently placed in the winter of man's loneliness.
*an altar to which man can bring his heartache for comfort, his 'lostness' for guidance, and his sin for forgiveness.
* the sparkle of anticipation and the steady light of faith in the eyes of a little child as he hears the old, old story.
*the shining star of hope in the sky of all mankind.
*more than words can tell, for it is a matter for the heart to receive, believe and understand.
*me, you and Jesus.♥

A Corinthians Christmas Love

♥ 1 Corinthians 13 – A Christmas Version ♥ 

If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another decorator.

If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love to my family, I’m just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir’s cantata but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child. Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband. Love is kind, though harried and tired. Love doesn’t envy another’s home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens.

Love doesn’t yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way. Love doesn’t give only to those who are able to give in return but rejoices in giving to those who can’t.

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust, but giving the gift of love will endure.

Merry Christmas and lots of love to you and yours ! ♥

Life Is "Ever Green"

♥ Message of the Christmas Tree : Life Is "Ever Green" ♥

The traditional "Christmas tree" is a very ancient custom which exalts the value of life, as in winter the evergreen becomes a sign of undying life. In general, the tree is decorated and Christmas gifts are placed under it. The symbol is also eloquent from a typically Christian point of view: It reminds us of the "tree of life" ( Genesis 2:9), representation of Christ, God’s supreme gift to humanity.

The message of the Christmas tree, therefore, is that life is "ever green" if one gives : not so much material things, but of oneself : in friendship and sincere affection, and fraternal help and forgiveness, in shared time and reciprocal listening.♥

~ Blessed John Paul II ~

Give Love

We are called to be witnesses of God’s by the love we extend to others ---- precursors of his justice by our unfailing commitment to what is right and good ---- lamps reflecting the light of God’s Christ in our forgiveness, mercy and compassion ---- harvesters of souls through our humble and dedication to service.♥

Gift of Wonder

Gift of Wonder♥

"Each year, God asks us to shed one more coat of awareness, one more dream state and come alive to the vision of God’s plan for each of us and the world-at-large."

"The older we get, the harder this is to do. As children we had a sense of wonder. Our eyes were wide open and drinking in the fascinating gifts we beheld . . . . Our thirsty souls could not have enough of the wonders of creation."

"Then, somehow, we grew too old to dream. We tired of the abundance of the world, or at least grew weary of keeping up with the feast of life, and stepped away from the banquet of life."

"The natural gift of wonder God gave us as children was meant to be kept alive . . . . Instead we let wonder go to sleep. We entered the typical dream state of most humans."

"Why else does Jesus tell us today, ‘Stay awake !’ . . . . Advent says, ‘Wake up and realize the gifts of love you have received.’"

". . . . Psychology says, ‘Let go.’ Spirituality says, ‘Wake up.’ In both cases there is a withdrawal from the busyness of daily life (our dream state) and a waking up to the subconscious and spiritual depths of ourselves."♥

~ Alfred McBride ~

Merry Christmas !♥

Wonderful Counselor

♥ The Ten Wonders of Christmas ♥

Almost over 365 names are found in the Bible referring to Jesus Christ, but none is lovelier than the one in Isaiah 9:6 ---- ". . . . His name, And he will be called
Wonderful . . . . "

First, there is the wonder of His birth.
Second, there is the wonder of His condensation.
Third, is the wonder of His character.
Fourth, is the wonder of His person.
Fifth, is the wonder of His words.
Sixth, is the wonder of His works.
Seventh, is the wonder of His death.
Eight, is the wonder of His resurrection.
Ninth, is the wonder of His coming.
Tenth, is the wonder of His saving power.

"A hollowed day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, worship the Lord, for today a great light has shown upon upon the earth."♥

Greatest Gift

A child is born to us . . . . We welcome you with joy, Almighty Lord of heaven and earth, who out of Love became a Child. We welcome you with gratitude, new Light rising in the night of the world. We welcome you as our brother, the "Prince of Peace." Fill us with your gifts, you who did not hesitate to begin human life like us. Night of Joy and Peace. Venite, adoremus !♥

Friday, November 16, 2012

Praying With Passion

"Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life."
Is 48:17-19
Mt 11:16-19

The fullness of life that the Lord has given us is real and has to be felt in our own lives. The grace comes with it the passion and exuberance for life. If our life does not exude this light, then we are not living in the light. Let us claim this gift and live it. There is so much light and joy in the good news that there is no other way to live but with passion.♥

Big Confidence In My Confidant

"Teach me your ways, O Lord."
Num 24:2-7, 15-17
Mt 21:23-27

. . . . And if we all gravitate toward similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true . . . . written deep within us. And when we hear the truth, even if we don't understand it, we feel the truth resonate within us . . . . vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but rather, the truth is re-called ---- re-membered ---- re-cognized ---- as that which is already inside us. 
~ Peter Solomon, The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown ~

There are times we are not sure with ourselves but have to be convinced that if we do the right things with Jesus we can never go wrong. Christ is the source of our confidence.♥ 

Fighting Spirit

"I don't know Who or What put the question, I don't know when it was put. I don't even remember answering. But at some moment I did answer Yes to Someone ---- or Something ---- and from that hour I was certain that existence is meaningful and that therefore, my life in self-surrender, had a goal."

"From that moment, I have known what it means not to look back or to take no thought for tomorrow . . . . I've come to a time and place where I realized that the way leads to a triumph which is a catastrophe and to a catastrophe which is a triumph, that the price for committing one's life would be a reproach, and not only elevation possible to man lies in the depths of humiliation. After that the word courage lost it's meaning, since nothing could be taken from me."♥ 
~ Dag Hammarksjold ~

The In Depth

"The ultimate test of a man's conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations whose words of thanks will not be heard." 
~ Charles M. Schulz ~

"In the depths of his conscience man detects a law which he does not impose upon himself, but which holds him to obedience. Always summoning him to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience can win necessary speak to his heart more especially. Do this, shun that. For man has in his heart a law written by God. To obey it is the very dignity of man. According to it, he will be judged. Conscience is the most secret core and sanctuary of man. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths. In a wonderful manner, conscience reveals that law which is fulfilled by love of God and neighbour."  

~ Vatican II ~

Seriously, 'a sense of right and wrong'. ♥  

A Reader

"The highest reward for reading a good book is not what you get from it, but what you become by reading it."♥

"Read aloud to a child and you become a child, listening to the words as you speak. Whom then is really doing the reading? Your mother perhaps, or her father, or his mother. Down, down the generations and over the water and beyond, the words that create and sustain civilization make their way back into the past. The story you tell and the story of your telling it become words spun form sugar ---- or thin air- --- into bridges." 
~ Roger Rosenblatt ~


Only you can hear my soul 

How many songs yet resounded
Through the centuries desires 
Winged the heaven to reach you
Harbour for non-writing poets
Who often lose their minds
You hear the sighs of yearning
And give a dream to every soul
Guiding moon, listen to me now

Only you can hear my soul

You know the secret of eternity
And the narrow path of truth
Lighten my heart
Heart of a man who doesn't know
That love can ease the pain
Like a fire that burns the soul

You light up the heaven and its immensity
We only see the side you wish to show
Like we ourselves mostly do
Non-flying porcelain angels
Burning paper souls
Hearts falling like leaves
Dreams going up in smoke
Children of the earth and of yourself, who knows

That love can ease the pain
Like a fire that burns the soul
But love is the driving force of our heart
The power that moves and illuminates everything

Only you can hear my soul
The dawning light, my goddess, my oh so silent goddess.♥

~ Luna, Allesandro Safina ~ 

Be An Angel

"Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Saviour."
Is 45:6-8, 18, 21-25
Lk 7:18-23

No one can stop God's righteousness to shine in the world. Despite the grim scenario in the world, there's always goodness and kindness, healing and wholeness, hope and life. Go back and tell everyone what you have seen and heard. There's so much good news to announce!♥

"Still around the corner there may wait A new road or a street gate; And though I oft have passed them by, A day will come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun."
~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the Ring. ~ . . . .  but let me add ---- 

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore! Dream! Discover!” 
~ Mark Twain ~

Just Sayin'

Hey Stop, Look, and Listen . . . .

"Men are not disturbed by things, but the view they take of things."
~ Epictetus (55-135 A.D.) ~

"Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance."
~ Plato (427-347 B.C.) ~

"Plato was a bore."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) ~

"Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal."
~ Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) ~

"I'm not going to get into the ring with Tolstoy."
~ Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) ~

"Hemingway was a jerk."
~ Harold Robbins ~

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."♥
~ Maya Angelou (1928-) ~ 

You're Beautiful

Stay Beautiful 
Even if we don’t stay friends 
Stay Beautiful 
Even if we fall apart 
Stay Beautiful 
Because you’re going to be someone in life
Stay Beautiful 
For me or if not for me 
Stay Beautiful
For yourself or for the people you love 
Just Stay Beautiful
Because someday you’re going to find the one 
You really truly love and she’ll be telling you 
To Stay Beautiful too
Stay Beautiful
Because you’re an amazing person and 
That’ll never change and 
Stay Beautiful
Because you’re one and in a million and 
Stay Beautiful
Just to stay the beautiful person
You are today and 
Stay Beautiful
Because that’s who you are 
You’re Beautiful.♥ 

~ Hayley Foster, Stay Beautiful ~

Real Time

As they say : They are all written in the stars. But to create more positive results in your life, replace ‘if only’ with . . . . Don’t put off living to next week, next month, next year or next decade. The only time you’re ever living is in this moment. There’s no next time. It’s now or never.

Everyone faces challenges in life. It’s a matter of how you learn to overcome them and using them to your advantage. Get real.♥ 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Love Unlimited

I've met a man and fallen in love with him. I allowed myself to fall in love for one simple reason : I'm not expecting anything to come from it. I know that, in three months time, I'll be far away and he'll be just a memory, but I couldn't stand living without love any longer : I had reached my limit ..... Generally speaking, these meetings occur when we reach a limit, when we need to die and be reborn emotionally. These meetings are waiting for us, but more often than not, we avoid them happening. If we are desperate, though, if we have nothing to lose, or if we are full of enthusiasm for life, then the unknown reveals itself, and our universe changes directions.

~ Paulo Coelho ~

The greatest relationships are the ones  you never expected to be in. The ones that swept off your feet and challenged every view you've ever had !♥

Monday, October 29, 2012


Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping . . . . waiting . . . . and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir . . . . opens its jaws and howl. It speaks to us . . . . guide us. 
Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love . . . . the clarity of hatred . . . . the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shattered and dank. Without passion, we'd truly be, dead. ♥ 

~ Joss Whedon ~ 

A strong fondness,
A strong emotion,
A strong interest,
A strong desire,
Intense Love. ♥


♥ Patience ♥
~ Luke 10:1-12 ~


The settled reality that we are not in complete control. ♥

I Am Me, You Are You

Luke 9:18-22

What is the difference between the questions : "Who do the crowds say I am?" and "Who do you say I am?" In a word, the difference is suffering. To answer the first, you need to be religious journalist ---- to answer the second, you need to put your life on the line. The word to "to suffer" means "to allow" : To allow faith to penetrate you is to suffer ---- it is to lose that arm's length that the journalist maintains so carefully.

Have you ever wondered what the "el" at the end of certain names means? Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Daniel, Ezechiel, etc. Sometimes the "el" is at the beginning : Elizabeth, Elijah, Elisha. It is a short term for "Elohim" a Hebrew name for God. All these names have meanings of course. But even if our names are not one of these , we can still think of it as naming our relationship to God. The deepest cut layer of our identity is our relationship with God, and God 'calls us by name.' If you bring strength and support to another person, you are (in essence) an angel to that person. Angel means "a messenger of God." What we write in our address books is one thing, but our 'deepest identity and our most secret name' is our relationship to God, that need none for any press release. ♥

A Season, A Purpose

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
He has also set eternity in the human heart without men's ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which He has done.♥

Living In Truth And Love

"Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet."
Prv 30:5-9
Mk 1:15
Lk 9:1-6

As I look at my "possessions," what do I possess that I don't really need? The author from the Proverbs prays that he will be spared from two extremes of poverty and riches. He wants to have only what he needs. This is a beautiful attitude, which is unfortunately not the way that most people think. More often, we tend to think, "The more the better." But if we focus on physical possessions too much, and put our hope and security in them, then we do not have the wisdom which Proverbs is teaching. True poverty of spirit is an attitude that trust God will provide and that the word of God is the greatest treasure. Our richness comes from God ---- our poverty comes from knowing our nothingness before God, not from the lack of material possessions or natural gifts. The power to do what God asks from us comes from him. It doesn't come from our resources. As long as we do what he asks us to do, success or achievement in our work is in his hands. That is the sense in which we are to approach our service. In poverty in spirit there is great peace, because God is in charge. Our refuge on the journey of life is his word ---- is safety and truth. Our prayer time each day is essential, but more than that, we are called to be in constant prayer ---- in communion with the Lord at every moment ---- so that we can live our lives in truth and love. ♥


The masculinity of the woman and the femininity of the man are inferior, and it is regrettable that the full value of their personalities should be contaminated by something that is less valuable. On the other hand, the shadow belongs to the wholeness of the personality : the strong man must somewhere be weak, somewhere the clever man must be stupid, otherwise he is too good to be true and falls back on pose and bluff. Is it not an old truth that woman loves the weaknesses of the strong man more than his strength, and the stupidity of the clever man more than his cleverness ? ♥

~ Carl Jung ~

Go In Peace

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good."
1Cor 15:1-11
Mt 11:28
Lk 7:36-50

Sometimes it is necessary to help another to see his sin or faults. It Is Difficult To Do. We need to expose the sin, without making a moral judgement on the person. Often it is hard to differentiate between the two, and we can find ourselves assigning motives to a person's actions. This is something which we must not do. God alone reads hearts. If we examine our own conscience when we consider bringing to light the faults of another, we may see that we are not motivated truth in love. We need to reflect on the Lord's compassionate, loving heart and on his gentle way of dealing with us. It is difficult for us to know and admit our sins. While we may say that we are sinners, it is hard for us to acknowledge it within ourselves. Often we keep judgments and resentments within our hearts. But, in the sacrament of reconciliation, He washes us in his merciful love and tells us to to "go in peace."♥

Love Angle

To love without condition . . . . 

When you put things into a place, the place becomes fuller than before, and it is eventually quite full, so that there is no room left. But almost the opposite is true of the heart. The more you put in, the more room there is ---- for more of the same. If you put wealth and privilege there, you developed a need for more of the same. If you put prayer and meditation there, you want to pray and meditate even more. But wealth and privilege can very easily exclude prayer and mediation. The more of one, the less of the other. Yes, the heart is a strange place. If it can be called a place at all ---- it certainly has a different kind of geometry. 
~ Claretian ~

. . . . The True Love of the Spirit.♥

Within - Without You

♥ The Inward Man ♥
~ 1 Peter 3:4 ~

Your voice, your eyes and your dress are three tell-tale signs about your life, an outward indication of what you are on the inside. Your voice for instance, tells others if you are under stress or at peace with the world. Your eyes give revealing signs too. When you are under stress, your pupils dilate, and often you glance away. Clothes are signs that tell about you as well, ---- the size of your jewelry or the intensity of the colors you wear often tells much about your personality. What others see when they look at you is important. But, what you are underneath the veneer is far more important. When people take a good look at you, do they see sincerity and genuineness? Are you the kind of a person that causes others to be glad to be with you? Is there a measure of, ---- love, joy, peace, long-suffering, patience, gentleness and goodness? In short, are you a person who reflects the presence of the Almighty because the Holy Spirit dwells 'within' you? . . . . May God help us to make our lives as good within as we want them to appear 'without'.♥

The Rose

"The Rose"

Some say love, it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love, it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love, it is a hunger,
An endless aching need.
I say love, it is a flower,
And you its only seed.

It's the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It's the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It's the one who won't be taken,
Who cannot seem to give,
And the soul afraid of dyin'
That never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long,
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snows
Lies the seed that with the sun's love
In the spring becomes the rose.♥

~ Bette Midler ~

The Quest

"Impossible Dream"

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
And to run where 
the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
And to love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star
This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far
To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march, 
march into hell
For that heavenly cause
And I know
If I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart
Will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be 
better for this
That one man, scorned 
and covered with scars,
Still strove with his last 
ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable, 
the unreachable,
The unreachable star
And I'll always dream
The impossible dream
Yes, and I'll reach
The unreachable star.♥

~ The Quest, Man of La Mancha ~

Honest Heart

Stay True To Your Heart . . . .

Friedrich Nietzsche :
You should seek your enemy, you should wage your war – a war for your opinions. And when your opinion is defeated our honesty should still cry triumph over that! It is not when truth is dirty, but when it is shallow, that the lover of knowledge is reluctant to step into its waters. For, 
. . . . Love is the state in which man sees things Most widely different from what they are.♥

Suffering Servant Song

"I will walk in the presence of the Lord, in the land of the Living."
Is 50:4-9
Jas 2:14-18
Mt 8:27-35

"Suffering Servant Song" "If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and follow in my steps." Acceptance of suffering is part of being Christian : acceptance of our own suffering as well as the suffering of our loved ones. When we see or experience suffering, we are being challenged in our faith to accept God's will. To go through emotional struggles with the will of God is normal. If we are honest with ourselves, we know that we need continuous conversion. Although we have accepted the Lord, yet there is something in us that hasn't quite accepted him, something which still opposes him. We are Christian, yes, but not yet fully Christian. We say "yes" to the Lord, but "no" the sufferings that come with following him. Our faith can never be separated from our actions. The two are deeply intertwined. Faith calls us to do charity in thought, word and deed, with a true love for all that is good and a true hatred for all that is evil according to the will of God. As we act in faith, we will be transformed to live in God's will even in the face of the cross.♥

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

You're - My Best

Proverbs 27:17

A knife is sharpened by whetting it with another piece of iron --- generally with a parallel movement. However when it is set contrary to the other metal --- striking edge to edge, chances are, you will dull, damage, or even break the blade. The principle is the same with ---- companions, relationships, and friends, a parallel course will sharpen and bring out the best in each other. Today, seek buddies who will help you grow in you and will encourage you to be your, --- best ! ♥ 

Light of the Enlightened

Aristotle : He who trusts any man with supreme power gives it to a wild beast, for his appetite sometimes makes him ---- passion influences those in power, even the best of men, but law is reason without desire . . . . 

Plato : Be kind, for every one you meet is fighting a hard battle. Man . . . . is tame or civilized animal ---- never the less, he requires proper instruction and fortunate nature, and then of all animals he becomes the most divine and most civilized ---- but if he be sufficiently or ill-educated he is the most savage of earthly creatures. Law are partly formed for the sake of good men, in order to instruct them how they may live on friendly terms with one another, and partly for the sake of those who refuse to be instructed, whose spirit cannot be subdued, or suffered or hindered from plunging into evil. 

Aristotle : Anybody can become angry that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way ---- that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. 

Plato : Anyone who has common sense will remember that the bewilderment of the eye are two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of light or from going into the light, which is true of the mind's eye, quite as much as bodily eye ---- and he who remembers this when he sees anyone whose vision is perplexed and weak, will not be too ready to laugh ---- he will first ask whether that soul of a man has come out of the brighter light, and is unable to see because unaccustomed to the dark, or having turned from darkness to the day is dazzled by excess light.♥

A Parent's Love

"Blessed are they who hope in the Lord."
Mal 3:13-20
Lk 11:5-13

No amount of money can pay the hard work of a father providing for his family. No remuneration can equal the sacrifices of a mother in serving her children. One of the regrets of parents when their children have to leave their home is the lost of opportunity to serve them again. Such is the nature of doting parents. Children's needs are always an opportunity to express one's care and love. We have a Father in heaven who eagerly awaits our call. It will be His joy to love and serve us. Sometimes we are afraid to approach him for fear that we will be rejected. But the Lord is telling us he wants to hear us and tell him what we want. The Lord will not mind being bothered by His children.♥