Monday, October 29, 2012

Living In Truth And Love

"Your word, O Lord, is a lamp for my feet."
Prv 30:5-9
Mk 1:15
Lk 9:1-6

As I look at my "possessions," what do I possess that I don't really need? The author from the Proverbs prays that he will be spared from two extremes of poverty and riches. He wants to have only what he needs. This is a beautiful attitude, which is unfortunately not the way that most people think. More often, we tend to think, "The more the better." But if we focus on physical possessions too much, and put our hope and security in them, then we do not have the wisdom which Proverbs is teaching. True poverty of spirit is an attitude that trust God will provide and that the word of God is the greatest treasure. Our richness comes from God ---- our poverty comes from knowing our nothingness before God, not from the lack of material possessions or natural gifts. The power to do what God asks from us comes from him. It doesn't come from our resources. As long as we do what he asks us to do, success or achievement in our work is in his hands. That is the sense in which we are to approach our service. In poverty in spirit there is great peace, because God is in charge. Our refuge on the journey of life is his word ---- is safety and truth. Our prayer time each day is essential, but more than that, we are called to be in constant prayer ---- in communion with the Lord at every moment ---- so that we can live our lives in truth and love. ♥

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