Monday, October 29, 2012

Within - Without You

♥ The Inward Man ♥
~ 1 Peter 3:4 ~

Your voice, your eyes and your dress are three tell-tale signs about your life, an outward indication of what you are on the inside. Your voice for instance, tells others if you are under stress or at peace with the world. Your eyes give revealing signs too. When you are under stress, your pupils dilate, and often you glance away. Clothes are signs that tell about you as well, ---- the size of your jewelry or the intensity of the colors you wear often tells much about your personality. What others see when they look at you is important. But, what you are underneath the veneer is far more important. When people take a good look at you, do they see sincerity and genuineness? Are you the kind of a person that causes others to be glad to be with you? Is there a measure of, ---- love, joy, peace, long-suffering, patience, gentleness and goodness? In short, are you a person who reflects the presence of the Almighty because the Holy Spirit dwells 'within' you? . . . . May God help us to make our lives as good within as we want them to appear 'without'.♥

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