Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Pressure and Beauty

In life we see pressure and beauty, it's out there ---- everywhere ---- it lies in every little thing within us. Around the great issues of life there is quietness. Silence characterizes the highest in art, and the deepest in nature. The surest spiritual search is made in silence. Moses learned in Midian, and Paul in Arabia what would have eluded them in the busy haunts men. Silence reaches beyond words. The highest point in drama is silence. The most valid emotions do not cry aloud. The most effective reproof is not a tongue lashing. The most poignant grief is not expressed in loud shrieking. The sincerest sympathy is not noisy. The best preparation for an emergency is quietness. The best proof of greatness is silence. The great engine is almost noiseless, but the cheap model is a "rattletrap." The best proof of confidence is silence. The man who is confident of his position does not strive nor cry aloud, nor try to explain everything. "In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength."♥

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