Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Humble and Obedience

♥ Humble and Obedience ♥
~ Matthew 21:28-32 ~

While Michaelangelo was finishing the tomb of Julius II, he directed a marble hewer in hewing a figure, saying to him : "Cut away, this today," "Level that," ""Polish here." When it was finished, the man gazed at it marveling ---- and Michaelangelo said : "What do you think of it?" "I think it's fine," "and I am much obliged to you." "Why so?" asked Michaelangelo. "Because by your means I have discovered a talent that I did know I possessed." In reply to the remark that Sparta's safety lay in her kings knowing how to rule, King Theopompous (770-724 B.C.) stated, "Nay, rather in their citizens knowing how to obey."♥

~ Edward Latham ~

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