Sunday, March 31, 2013

Wednesday of Holy Week

Wednesday of Holy Week

At this point, only Judas is truly guilty of betrayal. However, he is also the only one who will not make a humble 'examination of conscience' to let his sin be exposed. He asked the same question, "Not I, Rabbi, surely?", but he is probably motivated more by human respect than by any fear or remorse. He is in Denial! Jesus does not expose him further in public, but places the burden of the betrayal on his own conscience. : "They are your own word." The Lord is not determining that Judas will betray him ---- it is Judas's own free decision. Thus, he bears the responsibility for the consequences. The deepest tragedy of Judas is not he betrayed Jesus but that he seems never to have repented. He ends up betraying himself ---- he takes his own life. Every sin, and every refusal to repent is like a spiritual suicide!♥

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