Sunday, March 31, 2013

Friday of Holy Week

One of the worst burdens any person can carry is the weight of guilt.This is the burden that has crushed the human family since the time of our first parents. We have offended God himself ---- our sins our immeasurable, and our debts unpayable. We belong to the family of Judas and Caiaphas and Barabbas. With each of our sins, we have, like the guard in the palace of the high priest, crowned Jesus with thorns. Who could ever take on the full weight of our guilt? Only God can restore the balance of justice. But since the punishment we deserve for sin is death, and God cannot die, it would seem that we are left helplessly crushed. God, however, comes to our aid by taking on our human nature. The Master becomes the Servant. At Christmas, he who is without beginning was born. On Good Friday, he who is immortal died. "Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world."♥

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