Sunday, March 31, 2013

Seeing Real

I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved ---- all the cities that I have visited, all my ancestors . . . . Perhaps I would have liked to be my father, who wrote and had the decency of not publishing. Nothing, nothing, my friend ---- what I have told you : I am not sure of anything, I know nothing . . . . Can you imagine that I not even know the date of my death?
~ Jorge Luis Borges ~ 

There is something prosaic and shallow about the listeners of Jesus. They are very literal people, paralyzed by the immediacy of what is before their physical eyes. They simply cannot see beyond the physicality of Jesus into the immense possibilities of Christ. Thus they confuse the meaning of death or age that Jesus speaks of. No wonder they pick up the stones in their hands. In total contrast to these people is Abraham. Abraham has the capacity to imagine, see beyond the literalness and limitations of the physical world and his own physical self into the possibilities of God. In other words, he walks easy on the road of faith. He understands the language of God, and God finds it easy to converse with him. How would it be between God and me ---- you? Do we talk and hear the same language?♥

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