Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Marvels of the Lord

"Remember the marvels of the Lord has done."
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28
Jn 3:16
Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

The parable point toward the cross of Christ. On the cross, Jesus looks defeated, but in fact, he is victorious. In the end, Jesus wins. When we feel and experience that we are suffering and evil is winning, Jesus' ultimate victory is our consolation. We are the Body of Christ ; our suffering are his sufferings. When we join our sufferings with his, we are not defeated, but rather share in his victory.
A parable is always speaking about you, not about anything else. Every word in Scripture is speaking about you. This is the way to take it. Love takes everything to heart, but law blames everyone else. Love takes responsibility, law, hardly ever. But if I do not take responsibility, my name is just isn't in the hat! Then I will blame someone else for that too! How boring! A religion of love is far more interesting! This why the psalm urges us to to "remember the marvels the Lord has done."♥

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