Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Keys of Time

The dream of the planet is the collective dream of billions of smaller, personal dreams, which together create a dream of a family, a dream of a community, a dream of a city, a dream of a country, and finally a dream of the whole humanity. The dream of the planet includes all of society's rules, its beliefs, its laws, its religions, its different cultures and ways to be, its governments, schools, social events, and holidays . . . the humans who live before us teach us how to dream the way society dreams.
Our life stories can evolve as we grow throughout the life span. The capacity to integrate the past, present, and future allows us to move into more coherent levels of self-knowledge. If we believe it’s going to rain, then we walk and act differently even in the midst of a drought.There can be peace in the unknown. It is the known, or what we perceive as the known, that causes conflict. Whoever said that : "Reality is only a concept." The key fits, that's real. Is there a missing piece? Who can tell . . . .♥

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