Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Glad to Believe

"Happy are they who follow the law of the Lord."
Dt 26:16-19
Mt 5:43-48

If your love is a calculation, it is not love at all ; if you are measuring it out, it is not really worth giving, because it will create guilt and obligation and dependency ; if there is ego in it, it is diseased and you had better keep it yourself . . . . Jesus asks us to do the impossible. Love is not something that can be organized ; it is a gift given in freedom, and freedom is its mark. If it were a calculation, it would be given only to those who deserved it. But like God's grace, it flows out freely on good and bad alike.
The choice we are asked to make is not whether or not we can love like this. In our human strength it is impossible. The choice is whether or not we will open ourselves to allow God to change our hearts so that we can love like this. God is one who makes it possible for us to "be perfect," because nothing is impossible for God.
The choice, trusting that he can transform our hearts. Then we will know the joy of being "a people peculiarly his own." "Happy are they . . . . who seek him with all their heart!"♥

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