Saturday, May 04, 2013

Contained - Words

"Speechless . . . . contained . . . . words don't come easy."♥

I contained myself in words
In the dreams and visions they call
The taste of them on my tongue
I creep as they brush across my lips
Flutter as they form in my chest
A roll larger than myself
While they wind a path through my mind
Illuminating this sensation, and that emotion
Recording all the world so that no moment must die
But these are only words
And for all they do for me
I would rather hold your gaze
Drawn you in
Feel your breath as you speak to me
In a beaus nonsense no words can bring
Contained in you, I am eternally bounded.♥
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Why did you say them ---- 
Those profound words I wanted to say?
You strung them together
One bead, one word, one feather
They were mine, you know
I held them close,
Afraid to look, 
In case you saw them too
And stole them away 
To write my book.
In the dark of the night, 
I would look at them
Dream them, 
Touch and even think them
Bold, unabashed
They would tumble
Beautiful and raw 
They would flow
At day break, though, 
They were gone ----
You saw through me, 
You saw my soul.
You stole them all 
And wrote them down
You made them real . . . .
They belong to you now
Lofty ---- tangible
They are ---- My words.♥
~ Words, Ameeta Agnihotri ~

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