Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Two monologues do not make a dialogue.
~ Jeff Daly ~

We feel troubled not only when bad things happen, but when unexpected good things happen as well. In other words, we feel troubled when something ---- good or bad ---- upsets our set ways of living and leaves us confused. Many of the intellectual difficulties we have with Faith come from the fact that we bring the wrong kind of mind to it. The modern world has largely lost the power of symbolic thinking and replaced it with analysis. Analysis in itself is a powerful mode of thought, but it is not the whole of thought. Even people whose conscious minds are fixed in an analytical mode are still moved unconsciously by symbolism. Our world is filled with symbols of contentment, pleasure, fulfillment, happiness ---- and these work on us all, no matter how analytical we may be. We are all manipulated by symbolism when we do not recognize its reality. Our Faith can withstand analysis, but you cannot live on analysis. "The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life." ♥

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