Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Liberty Fly

My dear enchanted fly at liberty to the sun height
joyfully brush your wing with the sun light
lovingly come sit on my shoulder upon your sight
and heavenly share the blessing for our delight.♥

~ ramp 150713 ~

Life In Colours

Life is beautiful. It's just how about how you pigment it ---- dark, tone, light, flush ; hone it ---- sharp, dull, fine, edge ; paint it ---- dye, flat, gloss, stain.  However ---- coordinated, arranged, designed, patterned a course in life has, It's a beautiful life. Make the most of every opportunity ---- regrets ---- no regrets. Life is always beautiful.♥

Ability - Fragile

"The classical doctrine on the missio Dei as God the Father sending the Son, and God the Father and the Son sending the Spirit was expanded to included yet another "movement" : Father, Son, and Holy Spirit sending the church into the world . . . . Our mission has no life of it's own : only in the hands of the sending God can truly be called mission, not least since the missionary initiative comes from God alone."
~ David Bosch ~

The Lord knows what we are capable of. As he sends us forth, he knows what challenges we will face and when we will be ready to face them. He stretches us, so that our love will expand to include not only our relatives and friends but also those who betrayed us, those whom we would naturally want to exclude from the circle. By the power of the Holy Spirit, he plants his own love in our hearts, an instrument of his blessings for the whole world. ♥


We have time enough to spare, my dear friend.
To pause and lift some other's burden,
And will lighten ours upon the bend,
That can help us in the end,
For stopping sometimes on the course
And seeking someones who have been off course,
Will lighten ours upon the darkest night,
Restoring them into day and light.♥